// belle hello example #include "belle.hh" namespace Belle = OB::Belle; #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // init the server Belle::Server app; // set the listening address std::string address {""}; app.address(address); // set the listening port int port {8080}; app.port(port); // enable serving static files from a public directory // if the path is relative, make sure to run the program // in the right working directory app.public_dir("../public"); // handle route GET '/' app.on_http("/", Belle::Method::get, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // set http response headers ctx.res.set(Belle::Header::content_type, "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // set the http body ctx.res.body() = "Hello, Belle!"; }); // handle route POST '/' app.on_http("/", Belle::Method::post, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // set http response headers ctx.res.set(Belle::Header::content_type, "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // echo back the request body ctx.res.body() = ctx.req.body(); }); // print out the address and port // along with the routes std::cout << "Server: " << address << ":" << port << "\n\n" << "Try out the following urls:\n" << " http://" << address << ":" << port << "/\n" << " http://" << address << ":" << port << "/index.html\n\n" << "Try running the following command:\n" << " curl -X POST --data 'post body message here' http://" << address << ":" << port << "/\n\n"; // start the server app.listen(); // the server blocks until a signal is received return 0; }