// belle https example #include "belle.hh" namespace Belle = OB::Belle; #include #include #include #include #include #include // prototypes std::string http_routes(Belle::Server::Http_Routes& routes); // return string containing all http routes std::string http_routes(Belle::Server::Http_Routes& routes) { std::stringstream res; for (auto const& e : routes) { res << "Route: " << (*e).first << "\nMethod:"; for (auto const& m : (*e).second) { if (static_cast(m.first) == Belle::Method::unknown) { res << " ALL"; } else { res << " " << Belle::http::to_string(static_cast(m.first)); } } res << "\n\n"; } return res.str(); } Belle::ssl::context get_ssl_context(); Belle::ssl::context get_ssl_context() { // set the ssl context to use tls v1.2 Belle::ssl::context ctx {Belle::ssl::context::tlsv12}; // set the ssl context password callback ctx.set_password_callback( [](std::size_t, Belle::ssl::context_base::password_purpose) { return "test"; }); // set the ssl context options ctx.set_options( Belle::ssl::context::default_workarounds | Belle::ssl::context::no_sslv2 | Belle::ssl::context::single_dh_use ); // set the ssl context certificate file to use ctx.use_certificate_chain_file("../../../cert/cert.pem"); // set the ssl context private key file to use ctx.use_private_key_file("../../../cert/key.pem", Belle::ssl::context_base::file_format::pem); return ctx; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // init the server Belle::Server app; // set the listening address std::string address {""}; app.address(address); // set the listening port int port {8080}; app.port(port); // set ssl app.ssl(true); // set the ssl context app.ssl_context(get_ssl_context()); // set the number of threads // default value is 1 single thread app.threads(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); // multithreading can be enabled on an http only server // websocket upgrades must be disabled to use multithreading // the websocket channel implementation is not thread safe // default value is true app.websocket(false); // mutex for iostream std::mutex io_mutex; // enable serving static files from a public directory // if the path is relative, make sure to run the program // in the right working directory app.public_dir("../public"); // set default http headers Belle::Headers headers; headers.set(Belle::Header::server, "Belle"); headers.set(Belle::Header::cache_control, "private; max-age=0"); app.http_headers(headers); // handle the following signals app.signals({SIGINT, SIGTERM}); // set the on signal callback app.on_signal([&](auto ec, auto sig) { // print out the signal received std::cerr << "\nSignal " << sig << "\n"; // get the io_context and safely stop the server app.io().stop(); }); // handle route GET '/' app.on_http("/", Belle::Method::get, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // the response string std::string res {R"( home
query parameters
regex route
custom error
static page
)"}; // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/html"); // set the http status code // the http status code can be either an integer or // its respective enum representation // the default status is 200 OK ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // set the http body ctx.res.body() = std::move(res); }); // handle route ALL '/method' // matches all methods app.on_http("/method", [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // get the request method type as a string std::stringstream res; res << "HTTP Method\n" << "method: " << ctx.req.method_string() << "\n"; // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // echo back the matched http method ctx.res.body() = res.str(); }); // handle route POST '/post' // echo back the posted data app.on_http("/post", Belle::Method::post, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // get the request body data std::stringstream res; res << "Post Data\n" << "Body: " << ctx.req.body() << "\n"; // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // echo back the request body ctx.res.body() = res.str(); }); // handle route GET '/params' // with query parameters // ex. http://localhost:8080/params?q=test&page=2 app.on_http("/params", Belle::Method::get, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // stringstream to hold the response std::stringstream res; res << "Query Parameters\n"; // access the query parameters for (auto const& [key, val] : ctx.req.params()) { // add each key value pair to the response res << key << " | " << val << "\n"; } // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // echo back the query parameters ctx.res.body() = res.str(); }); // handle route GET '/regex/([a-z]+)' // match a regex path // one or more lowercase characters in the range of a-z // ex. http://localhost:8080/regex/hello // ex. http://localhost:8080/regex/belle app.on_http("^/regex/([a-z]+)$", Belle::Method::get, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // access the path regex capture groups // using req.path() which is a vector of strings // index 0 contains the matched path, minus any query parameters // index 1 to n contain the value of the capture groups if any // the full path with query parameters is in req.target() std::string path {ctx.req.path().at(0)}; std::string match {ctx.req.path().at(1)}; // stringstream to hold the response std::stringstream res; res << "Regex Captures\n" << "path: " << path << "\n" << "match: " << match << "\n"; // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/plain"); // set the http status code ctx.res.result(Belle::Status::ok); // echo back the captured path parameter ctx.res.body() = res.str(); }); // trigger the custom error callback app.on_http("/error", Belle::Method::get, [](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // the thrown value sets the http status code and // calls the Belle::Server::on_http_error callback // the http status code can be either an integer or // its respective enum representation throw Belle::Status::internal_server_error; }); // set custom error callback app.on_http_error([](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // stringstream to hold the response // get the http status code represented as an int and string std::stringstream res; res << "Custom Error\n" << "Status: " << ctx.res.result_int() << "\n" << "Reason: " << ctx.res.result() << "\n"; // set http response headers ctx.res.set("content-type", "text/plain"); // send the custom error response ctx.res.body() = res.str(); }); // set http connect callback // called at the beginning of every request app.on_http_connect([&io_mutex](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // acquire lock std::scoped_lock lock {io_mutex}; // print http request headers std::cerr << ctx.req.base(); }); // set http disconnect callback // called at the end of every request app.on_http_disconnect([&io_mutex](Belle::Server::Http_Ctx& ctx) { // access http request headers std::string ip {std::string(ctx.req["X-Real-IP"]).empty() ? "localhost" : ctx.req["X-Real-IP"]}; std::string ua {std::string(ctx.req["user-agent"])}; std::string rf {std::string(ctx.req["referer"])}; // get the current time std::time_t t {std::time(nullptr)}; std::tm tm {*std::localtime(&t)}; // acquire lock std::scoped_lock lock {io_mutex}; // log output std::cerr // the current timestamp << "[" << std::put_time(&tm, "%H:%M:%S %e %b %Y") << "] " // the ip address << "[" << ip << "] " // the http status code as an integer << "[" << ctx.res.result_int() << "] " // the http method as a string << "[" << ctx.req.method_string() << "] " // the full request path as a string << "[" << ctx.req.target().to_string() << "] " // the http referer header << "[" << rf << "] " // the http user-agent header << "[" << ua << "]\n\n"; }); // print out the address and port // along with all registered http routes // followed by the log output std::cout << "Server: " << address << ":" << port << "\n\n" << "Navigate to the following url:\n" << " https://" << address << ":" << port << "/\n\n" << "Try running the following commands:\n" << " curl -X PUT https://" << address << ":" << port << "/method\n" << " curl -X POST --data 'post body message here' https://" << address << ":" << port << "/post\n\n" << "Begin Routes>\n\n" << http_routes(app.http_routes()) << "Begin Log>\n\n"; // start the server app.listen(); // the server blocks until a signal is received return 0; }