# Euarel A CLI tool for URL percent-encoding and percent-decoding text. Euarel is a command line tool for URL percent-encoding and percent-decoding UTF-8 encoded text. It is unicode aware, so characters like `♥ = %E2%99%A5` or `π = %CF%80` are properly handled. Working with the media type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` is possible by passing the `--form` flag. Examples: ``` euarel --encode 'text to encode' euarel --decode 'text to decode' euarel -ef 'encode form data' printf 'redirect text to encode' | euarel -e euarel --help euarel --version ``` ## Build Environment: * Tested on Linux * C++17 compiler * CMake >= 3.8 Libraries: * my [parg](https://github.com/octobanana/parg) library, for parsing cli args, included as `./src/parg.hh` The following shell command will build the project in release mode: ```sh ./build.sh -r ``` To build in debug mode, run the script with the `-d` flag. ## Install The following shell command will install the project in release mode: ```sh ./install.sh -r ``` To install in debug mode, run the script with the `-d` flag.