gentone Generate a tone from a note or frequency. Usage gentone [Hz|A-G[b#]0-8] [--colour=] [-l|--loop] [--char=] [--a4=] [--speed=] [-w|--wave=] [-t|--time=] [-c|--channels=<1|2|mono|stereo|left|right>] [-r|--rate=] [-a|--amplitude=<0.0-1.0>] [-o|--output=] gentone [--colour=] -h|--help gentone [--colour=] -v|--version gentone [--colour=] --license Options --a4= [440] The standard pitch frequency used for the A above middle C. -a, --amplitude=<0.0-1.0> [1] The max amplitude of the generated tone. -c, --channels=<1|2|mono|stereo|left|right> [1] The number of channels to use, 1 is mono, 2 is stereo. --char= [*] The character used to draw the wave diagram. --colour= [auto] Print the program output with colour either on, off, or auto based on if stdout is a tty, the default value is 'auto'. -h, --help Print the help output. --license Print the program license. -l, --loop Loop the generated tone. -o, --output= [] Save the generated tone to a file. -r, --rate= [44100] The sample rate used to generate the tone. --sos= [343] The speed of sound. -t, --time= [0] The duration of the tone in seconds. -v, --version Print the program version. -w, --wave= [sine] The type of waveform used to generate the tone. Examples gentone Run the program. gentone --time 3 A4 Generate a 3 second mono sine wave using the musical note A4. gentone --time 3 --channels 2 --wave triangle 440 Generate a 3 second stereo triangle wave with a frequency of 440Hz. gentone --time 1 --output sine.wav C#7 Generate a 1 second mono sine wave using the musical note C#7 and save the tone to the output file 'sine.wav'. gentone --help --colour=off Print the help output, without colour. gentone --help Print the help output. gentone --version Print the program version. gentone --license Print the program license. Exit Codes 0 normal 1 error Meta The version format is 'major.minor.patch (day.month.year)'. Repository Homepage Author Brett Robinson (octobanana)