/* 88888888 888888888888 88888888888888 8888888888888888 888888888888888888 888888 8888 888888 88888 88 88888 888888 8888 888888 88888888888888888888 88888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888 888888 8888888888 888888 888 8888 8888 888 888 888 OCTOBANANA Licensed under the MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Brett Robinson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef OB_RECT_HH #define OB_RECT_HH #include "ob/color.hh" #include "ob/text.hh" #include "ob/term.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OB { namespace aec = OB::Term::ANSI_Escape_Codes; class Rect { public: enum class Align { center, top, bottom, left, right }; Rect() { } Rect(Rect&&) = default; Rect(Rect const&) = default; ~Rect() = default; Rect& operator=(Rect&&) = default; Rect& operator=(Rect const&) = default; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Rect& obj) { obj.draw(os); return os; } Rect& draw(std::ostream& os) { bool _border {false}; if (_border_top || _border_bottom || _border_left || _border_right) { _border = true; } bool _padding {false}; if (_padding_top || _padding_bottom || _padding_left || _padding_right) { _padding = true; } auto padding_top = _padding_top; auto padding_bottom = _padding_bottom; auto padding_left = _padding_left; auto padding_right = _padding_right; if (_border && _padding) { if (_border_top) { ++padding_top; } if (_border_bottom) { ++padding_bottom; } if (_border_left) { ++padding_left; } if (_border_right) { ++padding_right; } } std::size_t text_width {_w - _border_left - _border_right - _padding_left - _padding_right}; std::size_t text_height {_h - _border_top - _border_bottom - _padding_top - _padding_bottom}; std::size_t row {0}; auto const ln = OB::String::split(_text, "\n"); OB::Text::View lnv; os << aec::clear << _color_fg << _color_bg; bool style_main {true}; std::size_t y_begin {0}; // determine y axis alignment switch (_y_align) { case Align::center: { if (text_height / 2 >= ln.size() / 2) { y_begin = text_height / 2 - ln.size() / 2; } break; } case Align::bottom: { if (text_height >= ln.size()) { y_begin = text_height - ln.size(); } break; } case Align::top: default: { break; } } for (std::size_t y = 0; y < _h && y + _y <= _y_max; ++y) { os << aec::cursor_set(_x, y + _y); std::size_t cursor_right {0}; for (std::size_t x = 0; x < _w && x + _x <= _x_max; ++x) { if (_border) { if (y == 0 || x == 0) { if (y == 0 && x == 0 && (_border_top || _border_left)) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _corner_top_left; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (y == 0 && x + 1 == _w && (_border_top || _border_right)) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _corner_top_right; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (y + 1 == _h && x == 0 && (_border_bottom || _border_left)) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _corner_bottom_left; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (y == 0 && _border_top) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _line_top; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (x == 0 && _border_left) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _line_left; cursor_right = 0; continue; } } else if (y + 1 == _h && x + 1 == _w && (_border_bottom || _border_right)) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _corner_bottom_right; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (y + 1 == _h && _border_bottom) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _line_bottom; cursor_right = 0; continue; } else if (x + 1 == _w && _border_right) { if (style_main) { os << _border_fg << _border_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _line_right; cursor_right = 0; continue; } } if (! style_main) { os << _color_fg.step() << _color_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } if (_padding) { if (y < padding_top) { ++cursor_right; continue; } if (y + padding_bottom >= _h) { ++cursor_right; continue; } if (x < padding_left) { ++cursor_right; continue; } if (x + padding_right >= _w) { ++cursor_right; continue; } } if (! _text.empty() && y >= y_begin && row < ln.size()) { // set the view to the current line lnv.str(ln.at(row++)); // line syntax highlighting syntax(lnv); // total columns in the current line auto tcols = lnv.cols(); // total columns used so far std::size_t cols {0}; int x_begin {0}; // determine x axis alignment switch (_x_align) { case Align::center: { if (text_width / 2 >= tcols / 2) { x_begin = text_width / 2 - tcols / 2; } break; } case Align::right: { if (text_width >= tcols) { x_begin = text_width - tcols; } break; } case Align::left: default: { break; } } while (x_begin-- > 0) { ++cursor_right; ++cols; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right); cursor_right = 0; { lnv.str(lnv.colstr(0, tcols <= text_width ? text_width : text_width - 1)); cols += lnv.cols(); std::size_t pos_line {0}; std::size_t pos_syntax {0}; for (auto const& e : lnv) { // TODO does not handle when syntax pos has multiple equal values if (pos_syntax < _syntax.size() && _syntax.at(pos_syntax).first == pos_line) { os << _highlight.at(_syntax.at(pos_syntax).second).second << e << aec::clear; ++pos_syntax; style_main = false; } else { if (! style_main) { os << _color_fg << _color_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << e; if (_color_fg.mode() == OB::Color::Mode::party) { _color_fg.step(); } } ++pos_line; } if (tcols <= text_width) { while (cols < text_width) { ++cursor_right; ++cols; } } else { while (cols + 1 < text_width) { ++cursor_right; ++cols; } if (! style_main) { os << _color_fg << _color_bg; style_main = ! style_main; } os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << ">"; cursor_right = 0; ++cols; } } // subtract 1 to counter the for loops ++x condition x += cols - 1; } else { if (_fill == " " && (_color_bg.key() == "clear" || _color_bg.key().empty())) { ++cursor_right; } else { os << aec::cursor_right(cursor_right) << _color_fg.step() << _fill; cursor_right = 0; } } } } return *this; } Rect& highlight(std::vector> const& hl) { _highlight = hl; return *this; } Rect& align(Align x, Align y) { _x_align = x; _y_align = y; return *this; } Rect& xy(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) { _x = ++x; _y = ++y; return *this; } Rect& xy_max(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) { _x_max = x; _y_max = y; return *this; } Rect& wh(std::size_t w, std::size_t h) { _w = w; _h = h; return *this; } Rect& fill(std::string const& str) { _fill = str; return *this; } Rect& color_fg(OB::Color const& color) { _color_fg = color; return *this; } Rect& color_bg(OB::Color const& color) { _color_bg = color; return *this; } Rect& text(std::string const& val) { _text = val; return *this; } Rect& border(bool top, bool right, bool bottom, bool left) { _border_top = top; _border_right = right; _border_bottom = bottom; _border_left = left; return *this; } Rect& border_fill(std::string const& str) { _line_top = str; _line_right = str; _line_bottom = str; _line_left = str; _corner_top_left = str; _corner_top_right = str; _corner_bottom_right = str; _corner_bottom_left = str; return *this; } Rect& border_lines(std::string const& top, std::string const& right, std::string const& bottom, std::string const& left) { _line_top = top; _line_right = right; _line_bottom = bottom; _line_left = left; return *this; } Rect& border_corners(std::string const& top_left, std::string const& top_right, std::string const& bottom_right, std::string const& bottom_left) { _corner_top_left = top_left; _corner_top_right = top_right; _corner_bottom_right = bottom_right; _corner_bottom_left = bottom_left; return *this; } Rect& border_fg(OB::Color const& color) { _border_fg = color; return *this; } Rect& border_bg(OB::Color const& color) { _border_bg = color; return *this; } Rect& padding(std::size_t top, std::size_t right, std::size_t bottom, std::size_t left) { _padding_top = top; _padding_bottom = bottom; _padding_left = left; _padding_right = right; return *this; } private: void syntax(OB::Text::View const& view) { _syntax.clear(); std::size_t pos {0}; OB::Text::Regex search; for (auto const& [regex, color] : _highlight) { search.match(regex, view.str()); if (! search.empty()) { for (auto const& match : search) { _syntax.emplace_back(view.byte_to_char(match.pos), pos); } } ++pos; } std::sort(_syntax.begin(), _syntax.end(), [](auto const& lhs, auto const& rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; }); } std::size_t _x {0}; std::size_t _y {0}; std::size_t _x_max {0}; std::size_t _y_max {0}; Align _x_align {Align::left}; Align _y_align {Align::top}; std::size_t _w {0}; std::size_t _h {0}; std::string _fill {" "}; OB::Color _color_fg {OB::Color::Type::fg}; OB::Color _color_bg {OB::Color::Type::bg}; // text OB::Text::String _text; std::vector> _syntax; std::vector> _highlight; // border bool _border_top {false}; bool _border_bottom {false}; bool _border_left {false}; bool _border_right {false}; OB::Color _border_fg {OB::Color::Type::fg}; OB::Color _border_bg {OB::Color::Type::bg}; std::string _line_top {"─"}; std::string _line_bottom {"─"}; std::string _line_left {"│"}; std::string _line_right {"│"}; std::string _corner_top_left {"┌"}; std::string _corner_top_right {"┐"}; std::string _corner_bottom_left {"└"}; std::string _corner_bottom_right {"┘"}; // padding std::size_t _padding_top {0}; std::size_t _padding_bottom {0}; std::size_t _padding_left {0}; std::size_t _padding_right {0}; }; // class Rect } // namespace OB #endif // OB_RECT_HH