// // MIT License // // Copyright (c) 2018 Brett Robinson // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // #ifndef OB_PARG_HH #define OB_PARG_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace OB { class Parg { public: Parg() { } Parg(int _argc, char** _argv) { argc_ = _argc; argvf(_argv); } Parg& name(std::string const _name) { name_ = _name; return *this; } std::string name() const { return name_; } Parg& version(std::string const _version) { version_ = _version; return *this; } std::string version() const { return version_; } Parg& usage(std::string const _usage) { usage_ += " " + name_ + " " + _usage + "\n"; return *this; } std::string usage() const { return usage_; } Parg& description(std::string const _description) { description_ = _description; return *this; } std::string description() const { return description_; } Parg& info(std::string const _title, std::vector const _text) { info_.emplace_back(info_pair{_title, _text}); return *this; } Parg& author(std::string const _author) { author_ = _author; return *this; } std::string author() const { return author_; } std::string help() const { std::stringstream out; if (! description_.empty()) { out << name_ << ":" << "\n"; std::stringstream ss; out << " " << description_ << "\n"; out << ss.str() << "\n"; } if (! usage_.empty()) { out << "Usage: " << "\n" << usage_ << "\n"; } if (! modes_.empty()) { out << "Flags: " << "\n" << modes_; } if (! options_.empty()) { out << "\nOptions: " << "\n" << options_; } if (! info_.empty()) { for (auto const& e : info_) { out << "\n" << e.title << ":" << "\n"; for (auto const& t : e.text) { out << " " << t << "\n"; } } } if (! author_.empty()) { out << "\nAuthor: " << "\n"; std::stringstream ss; ss << " " << author_ << "\n"; out << ss.str(); } return out.str(); } int parse() { if (is_stdin_) { pipe_stdin(); } status_ = parse_args(argc_, argv_); return status_; } int parse(int argc, char** argv) { if (is_stdin_) { pipe_stdin(); } argc_ = argc; argvf(argv); status_ = parse_args(argc_, argv_); return status_; } int parse(std::string str) { auto args = str_to_args(str); status_ = parse_args(args.size(), args); return status_; } std::vector str_to_args(std::string const& str) { std::vector args; std::string const backslash {"\\"}; // parse str into arg vector as if it was parsed by the shell for (std::size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { std::string e {str.at(i)}; // default if (e.find_first_not_of(" \n\t\"'") != std::string::npos) { bool escaped {false}; std::size_t start {i}; args.emplace_back(""); for (;i < str.size(); ++i) { e = str.at(i); if (! escaped && e.find_first_of(" \n\t") != std::string::npos) { --i; // put back unmatched char break; } else if (e == backslash) { escaped = true; } else if (escaped) { args.back() += e; escaped = false; } else { args.back() += e; } } continue; } // whitespace else if (e.find_first_of(" \n\t") != std::string::npos) { for (;i < str.size(); ++i) { e = str.at(i); if (e.find_first_not_of(" \n\t") != std::string::npos) { --i; // put back unmatched char break; } } continue; } // string else if (e.find_first_of("\"'") != std::string::npos) { std::string quote {e}; bool escaped {false}; ++i; // skip start quote args.emplace_back(""); std::size_t start {i}; for (;i < str.size(); ++i) { e = str.at(i); if (! escaped && e == quote) { break; // skip end quote } else if (e == backslash) { escaped = true; } else if (escaped) { args.back() += e; escaped = false; } else { args.back() += e; } } } } return args; } void set(std::string _name, std::string _info) { // sets a flag std::string delim {","}; if (_name.find(delim) != std::string::npos) { // short and long bool has_short {false}; std::string _long; std::string _short; auto const names = delimit(_name, delim); assert(names.size() >= 1 && names.size() <= 2); _long = names.at(0); if (names.size() == 2) has_short = true; if (has_short) { // short name must be one char assert(names.at(1).size() == 1); _short = names.at(1); } flags_[_short] = _long; data_[_long].long_ = _long; data_[_long].short_ = _short; data_[_long].mode_ = true; data_[_long].value_ = "0"; modes_.append(" -" + _short + ", --" + _long + "\n"); } else { if (_name.size() == 1) { // short flags_[_name] = _name; data_[_name].long_ = _name; data_[_name].short_ = _name; data_[_name].mode_ = true; data_[_name].value_ = "0"; modes_.append(" -" + _name + "\n"); } else { // long data_[_name].long_ = _name; data_[_name].mode_ = true; data_[_name].value_ = "0"; modes_.append(" --" + _name + "\n"); } } std::stringstream out; out << " " << _info << "\n"; modes_.append(out.str()); } void set(std::string _name, std::string _default, std::string _arg, std::string _info) { // sets an option std::string delim {","}; if (_name.find(delim) != std::string::npos) { bool has_short {false}; std::string _long; std::string _short; auto const names = delimit(_name, delim); assert(names.size() >= 1 && names.size() <= 2); _long = names.at(0); if (names.size() == 2) has_short = true; if (has_short) { // short name must be one char assert(names.at(1).size() == 1); _short = names.at(1); } flags_[_short] = _long; data_[_long].long_ = _long; data_[_long].short_ = _short; data_[_long].mode_ = false; data_[_long].value_ = _default; options_.append(" -" + _short + ", --" + _long + "=<" + _arg + ">\n"); } else { if (_name.size() == 1) { // short flags_[_name] = _name; data_[_name].long_ = _name; data_[_name].short_ = _name; data_[_name].mode_ = false; data_[_name].value_ = _default; options_.append(" -" + _name + "=<" + _arg + ">\n"); } else { // long data_[_name].long_ = _name; data_[_name].mode_ = false; data_[_name].value_ = _default; options_.append(" --" + _name + "=<" + _arg + ">\n"); } } std::stringstream out; out << " " << _info << "\n"; options_.append(out.str()); } template T get(std::string const _key) { static_assert(! std::is_same_v, "use non-template version of function for 'std::string' type"); if (data_.find(_key) == data_.end()) { throw std::logic_error("parg get '" + _key + "' is not defined"); } std::stringstream ss; ss << data_[_key].value_; T val; ss >> val; return val; } std::string get(std::string const _key) { if (data_.find(_key) == data_.end()) { throw std::logic_error("parg get '" + _key + "' is not defined"); } return data_[_key].value_; } bool find(std::string const _key) const { // key must exist if (data_.find(_key) == data_.end()) return false; return data_.at(_key).seen_; } Parg& set_pos(bool const _positional = true) { is_positional_ = _positional; return *this; } std::string get_pos() const { std::string str; if (positional_vec_.empty()) { return str; } for (auto const& e : positional_vec_) { str += e + " "; } str.pop_back(); return str; } std::vector get_pos_vec() const { return positional_vec_; } Parg& set_stdin(bool const _stdin = true) { is_stdin_ = _stdin; return *this; } std::string get_stdin() const { return stdin_; } int status() const { return status_; } std::string error() const { return error_; } std::vector const& similar() const { return similar_; } std::size_t flags_found() const { std::size_t count {0}; for (auto const& e : data_) { if (e.second.mode_ && e.second.seen_) { ++count; } } return count; } std::size_t options_found() const { std::size_t count {0}; for (auto const& e : data_) { if (! e.second.mode_ && e.second.seen_) { ++count; } } return count; } struct Option { std::string short_; std::string long_; bool mode_; std::string value_; bool seen_ {false}; }; struct info_pair { std::string title; std::vector text; }; private: int argc_ {0}; std::vector argv_; std::string name_; std::string version_; std::string usage_; std::string description_; std::string modes_; std::string options_; int options_indent_ {0}; std::vector info_; std::string author_; std::map data_; std::map flags_; bool is_positional_ {false}; std::string positional_; std::vector positional_vec_; std::string stdin_; bool is_stdin_ {false}; int status_ {0}; std::string error_; std::vector similar_; void argvf(char** _argv) { // removes first arg if (argc_ < 1) return; for (int i = 1; i < argc_; ++i) { argv_.emplace_back(_argv[i]); } // std::cerr << "argv: " << i << " -> " << argv_.at(i) << std::endl; --argc_; } int pipe_stdin() { if (! isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { stdin_.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator(std::cin)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); return 0; } stdin_ = ""; return -1; } std::vector delimit(const std::string str, const std::string delim) const { std::vector vtok; std::size_t start {0}; std::size_t end = str.find(delim); while (end != std::string::npos) { vtok.emplace_back(str.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + delim.length(); end = str.find(delim, start); } vtok.emplace_back(str.substr(start, end)); return vtok; } int parse_args(int _argc, std::vector _argv) { if (_argc < 1) return 1; bool dashdash {false}; // loop through arg vector for (int i = 0; i < _argc; ++i) { std::string const& tmp {_argv.at(static_cast(i))}; // std::cerr << "ARG: " << i << " -> " << tmp << std::endl; if (dashdash) { positional_vec_.emplace_back(tmp); continue; } if (tmp.size() > 1 && tmp.at(0) == '-' && tmp.at(1) != '-') { // short // std::cerr << "SHORT: " << tmp << std::endl; std::string c {tmp.at(1)}; if (flags_.find(c) != flags_.end() && !(data_.at(flags_.at(c)).mode_)) { // short arg // std::cerr << "SHORT: arg -> " << c << std::endl; if (data_.at(flags_.at(c)).seen_) { // error error_ = "flag '-" + c + "' has already been seen"; return -1; } if (tmp.size() > 2 && tmp.at(2) != '=') { data_.at(flags_.at(c)).value_ = tmp.substr(2, tmp.size() - 1); data_.at(flags_.at(c)).seen_ = true; } else if (tmp.size() > 3 && tmp.at(2) == '=') { data_.at(flags_.at(c)).value_ = tmp.substr(3, tmp.size() - 1); data_.at(flags_.at(c)).seen_ = true; } else if (i + 1 < _argc) { data_.at(flags_.at(c)).value_ = _argv.at(static_cast(i + 1)); data_.at(flags_.at(c)).seen_ = true; ++i; } else { // error error_ = "flag '-" + c + "' requires an arg"; return -1; } } else { // short mode for (std::size_t j = 1; j < tmp.size(); ++j) { std::string s {tmp.at(j)}; if (flags_.find(s) != flags_.end() && data_.at(flags_.at(s)).mode_) { // std::cerr << "SHORT: mode -> " << s << std::endl; if (data_.at(flags_.at(s)).seen_) { // error error_ = "flag '-" + s + "' has already been seen"; return -1; } data_.at(flags_.at(s)).value_ = "1"; data_.at(flags_.at(s)).seen_ = true; } else { // error error_ = "invalid flag '" + tmp + "'"; find_similar(s); return -1; } } } } else if (tmp.size() > 2 && tmp.at(0) == '-' && tmp.at(1) == '-') { // long || -- // std::cerr << "LONG: " << tmp << std::endl; std::string c {tmp.substr(2, tmp.size() - 1)}; std::string a; auto const delim = c.find("="); if (delim != std::string::npos) { c = tmp.substr(2, delim); a = tmp.substr(3 + delim, tmp.size() - 1); } if (data_.find(c) != data_.end()) { if (data_.at(c).seen_) { // error error_ = "option '--" + c + "' has already been seen"; return -1; } if (data_.at(c).mode_ && a.size() == 0) { // std::cerr << "LONG: mode -> " << c << std::endl; data_.at(c).value_ = "1"; data_.at(c).seen_ = true; } else { // std::cerr << "LONG: arg -> " << c << std::endl; if (a.size() > 0) { data_.at(c).value_ = a; data_.at(c).seen_ = true; } else if (i + 1 < _argc) { data_.at(c).value_ = _argv.at(static_cast(i + 1)); data_.at(c).seen_ = true; ++i; } else { // error error_ = "option '--" + c + "' requires an arg"; return -1; } } } else { // error error_ = "invalid option '" + tmp + "'"; find_similar(c); return -1; } } else if (tmp.size() > 0 && is_positional_) { // positional // std::cerr << "POS: " << tmp << std::endl; if (tmp == "--") { dashdash = true; } else { positional_vec_.emplace_back(tmp); } } else { // error error_ = "no match for '" + tmp + "'"; find_similar(tmp); return -1; } } return 0; } void find_similar(std::string const& name) { std::stringstream escaped_name; for (auto const& e : name) { if (std::isalnum(e)) { escaped_name << e; } else { escaped_name << "\\" << e; } } int len = (name.size() / 1.2); std::string similar_regex {"^.*[" + escaped_name.str() + "]{" + std::to_string(len) + "}.*$"}; std::smatch match; for (auto const& e : data_) { if (std::regex_match(e.second.long_, match, std::regex(similar_regex, std::regex::icase), std::regex_constants::match_not_null)) { similar_.emplace_back("--" + std::string(match[0])); } } std::sort(similar_.begin(), similar_.end(), [](std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs) { return lhs.size() < rhs.size(); }); if (similar_.size() > 8) { similar_.erase(similar_.begin() + 8, similar_.end()); } } }; // class Parg } // namespace OB #endif // OB_PARG_HH