
An HTTP / Websocket library in C++17 using Boost.Beast and Boost.ASIO.











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// belle client https example

#include "belle.hh"
namespace Belle = OB::Belle;

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

// prototypes
void on_http_error(Belle::Client& app);
void http_get();
void http_post();

void on_http_error(Belle::Client& app)
  // set the http on error callback
  app.on_http_error([](auto& ctx)
    std::cerr << "Error: " << << "\n\n";

void http_get()
  // init client with remote address, port, and ssl enabled
  Belle::Client app {"", 8080, true};

  // http get request to path '/'
  app.on_http("/", [](auto& ctx)
    // check http status code
    if (ctx.res.result() != Belle::Status::ok)
      // print the response status code and reason
      << "Error: " << ctx.res.result_int()
      << " " << ctx.res.reason() << "\n\n";


    // print the response headers and body
    std::cerr << ctx.res.base() << ctx.res.body() << "\n\n";

  // http get request to path '/method'
  app.on_http("/method", [](auto& ctx)
    // check http status code
    if (ctx.res.result() != Belle::Status::ok)
      // print the response status code and reason
      << "Error: " << ctx.res.result_int()
      << " " << ctx.res.reason() << "\n\n";


    // print the response headers and body
    std::cerr << ctx.res.base() << ctx.res.body() << "\n\n";

  // init an http request object
  Belle::Request req;

  // set the target path"/regex/hello");

  // set the method

  // copy the request object
  app.on_http(req, [](auto& ctx)
    // check http status code
    if (ctx.res.result() != Belle::Status::ok)
      // print the response status code and reason
      << "Error: " << ctx.res.result_int()
      << " " << ctx.res.reason() << "\n\n";


    // print the full response
    std::cerr << ctx.res << "\n\n";

  // set the target path"/params");

  // set the query parameters
  req.params().emplace("pi", "π");
  req.params().emplace("page", "2");
  req.params().emplace("user", "François");
  req.params().emplace("q", "Hello,\nBelle!");
  req.params().emplace("q", "t#st spec!&l ch@r*ct=rs");

  // move the request object with Request::move
  app.on_http(req.move(), [](auto& ctx)
    // check http status code
    if (ctx.res.result() != Belle::Status::ok)
      // print the response status code and reason
      << "Error: " << ctx.res.result_int()
      << " " << ctx.res.reason() << "\n\n";


    // print the full response
    std::cerr << ctx.res << "\n\n";

  // save the number of requests in the queue
  auto total = app.queue().size();

  // start the client and save the number of completed requests
  auto completed = app.connect();

  // print the number of completed requests
  std::cerr << "connect: " << completed << "/" << total << "\n\n";

void http_post()
  // init client with remote address, port, and ssl enabled
  Belle::Client app {"", 8080, true};

  // set http headers
  Belle::Headers headers;
  headers.set(Belle::Header::user_agent, "Belle");
  headers.set(Belle::Header::content_type, "text/plain");

  // request parameters and response handler
  app.on_http(Belle::Method::post, "/post", headers, "Hello, Belle!", [](auto& ctx)
    // check http status code
    if (ctx.res.result() != Belle::Status::ok)
      // print the response status code and reason
      << "Error: " << ctx.res.result_int()
      << " " << ctx.res.reason() << "\n\n";


    // print the response body
    std::cerr << ctx.res.body() << "\n\n";

  // save the number of requests in the queue
  auto total = app.queue().size();

  // start the client and save the number of completed requests
  auto completed = app.connect();

  // print the number of completed requests
  std::cerr << "connect: " << completed << "/" << total << "\n\n";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // perform multiple http get requests to a single remote endpoint

  // perform an http post request to a single remote endpoint

  return 0;
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